Organizing Syllabus
Organizing-focused courses | Build your strategy with guides focused on EveryAction’s base building tools and integrations. Includes EveryAction content related to Virtual Phone Banks, Follow Ups and more!
Built with organizers using EveryAction in mind. Reach and grow your base with support documentation for EveryAction's organizing tools.
Resources for: Organizing Directors, Field Managers and Organizers
Set up, complete and report on phonebanking using Open Virtual Phone Bank!
Click-by-click support documentation for tracking 1:1s, event participation, follow ups and more!
All EveryAction users gotta start somewhere!
[BETA] Learn skills every EA user should have.
Individual contacts make up the database.
Supporters donate, take action, subscribe to your newsletter, RSVP for events and more via online forms.
[BETA] Learn the three components of creating and sending a bulk email: Define your audience, Create Content, and Review and Send.
Call contacts in your database and track audience responses.
Structure a script and report on door-to-door engagement with your contacts.
Collect a contact's answers to a series of prompts, while viewing their prior responses.
Plan, invite, and track event participants.
Ask questions about the contacts in the system to produce actionable lists and searches for use throughout the database.
Pull key metrics from the database to analyze the health of programs tracked by the system.
Track who in your database needs attention—when, how, and from whom.
Use this EveryAction feature to view connections between individual contacts as well as organizations
Understand how to quickly add, categorize and export notes.
Assign a point value to ways contacts engage with your org; target audiences based on engagement level.
Capture a contact’s answer to a given question at a point in time.
3-day Trial (no credit card required)
1-Seat, Monthly Subscription
Communications-focused courses | Skill-up your EveryAction communications use, with guides focused on using mass communications features. Includes EveryAction content related to email, events, stories and more!
Development-focused courses | Build your EveryAction skills for development and fundraising in EveryAction. Includes EveryAction content related to development and development integrations available on the Toolbox.
ALL ACCESS PASS | Structure your EveryAction database to best-practice standards. Includes all EveryAction content available on the Toolbox.