Click-Through Guides

    1. Create a Report (En/Es)

    2. Customize a Report (En/Es)

    3. Save and Schedule a Report Template (En/Es)

    4. Troubleshoot Report Access

    1. Create and Use a Custom Export Format

    2. Combine a Report and an Export File to Get All the Columns You Want in One Spreadsheet (En/Es)

    3. View and Export Notes by Note Category (En/Es)

    1. Filter a Report by Who Has and Hasn't Donated Before

    2. Combine WealthEngine Results with Moves Plan Data

    3. Creating Helpful Grants Reports

    4. Include Grants in Contributions Reporting

    1. Create a Phone Banking Report (En/Es)

    2. Use the Email Address Status Report to Assess Subscriptions

    3. Generate Email Performance Report with Filtered Results

    4. Report on Overall Email Performance

    5. Report on Overall Email Deliverability

    1. Create a Saved Report Based on Event Types | Non-Ticketed

    1. In Progress


  • 17 guides
  • EveryAction, WealthEngine

Built in Collaboration

  • Asian American Advocacy Fund

  • Center for Science in the Public Interest

  • Climate-X-Change

  • Equitable Recovery & Reconciliation Alliance

  • Florida Wildlife Federation

  • Grassroots International

  • National Domestic Workers Alliance

  • Science Friday

  • Showing Up for Racial Justice