CLC’s bespoke consulting services and library of more than 100 Click-Through-Guides provide clients the skills and strategies they need to increase the impact of their programs. CLC partners with clients to deepen their existing connections, grow their base, and streamline fundraising efforts. CLC’s process is designed to build durable institutional knowledge and culture around data for increasingly efficient and successful campaigns into the future.

Consultation & System Design

CLC provides high-touch consultation and systems design services.

  • DISCOVERY: CLC supports an organization from database review, to designing customized implementation plans, and the creation and adoption of hygiene assessments.

  • MIGRATION: Pre-implementation database support, general support, code design, field mapping, main and bridge uploads, and bulk upload error handling.

  • DESIGN-BUILD: App integration, moves management setup, volunteer management automation, membership, custom workflow design and creation.

  • ONBOARDING: Guided Onboarding Expert Coaching Programs, Click-through Guide access, 1:1 custom onboarding workshops, office hours, team-wide change management, additional custom trainings.

We offer new contacts a free 60-min consultation. Share your current database projects, pain points or wishlist, and let's talk about what's possible!

Click-Through Guides

We publish as a rich toolbox of guides and interactive courses for those interested in growing their skills and strategy more independently.

  • FULL SPECTRUM LEARNING: The Library offers users foundational skills through quick start guides, as well as complex strategies for designing codes, automations, reports, and gift processing workflows.

  • STRATEGIC FOCUS: The guides teach not only how to do, but why to do, empowering users to strategically innovate on their learnings according to their specific goals and needs.

  • RESPONSIVE CONTENT: CLC is constantly growing the Library to reflect on-the-ground needs and emergent strategies.

  • FLEXIBLE ACCESS: Users start with free access to basic guides; when they’re ready to level up they can opt-in to more complex guides through one-off pricing or bundled packages.

CLC Value Add

The Caitlin Lee Consulting team is made up of expert frontline EveryAction users. Our deep experience in nonprofit and community organizing connects us to our clients and allows us to concrete effective solutions for any instance. With a results-backed history of customizing and administering EveryAction, CLC brings a culture of creative problem-solving. Our dedication to the field demands that we offer great flexibility from turn-key deliverables to ongoing support.

We’re proud to be queer-owned and contract and employ a team of creative leaders, the majority of which also identify under the queer umbrella. Our liberation is bound in yours; together, we’ll collaborate towards transformational change.

Shared Values

  • We are database users disrupting the status quo to bring about a more just world.

  • We learn together by valuing and building up our skills.

  • We share learnings and processes, never confidential organization data.

  • We celebrate creative problem-solving over prescriptive solutions, while iterating to find best-practices to avoid constantly reinventing the wheel.

  • We work together in ways that allow for teams—big and small—to access support for their engagement practices.

  • We prioritize growth based on the collective resource needs and user feedback.