Engagement Points
Assign a point value to ways contacts engage with your org; target audiences based on engagement level.
Click-Through Guides
What are Engagement Points?
Definition: Engagement Types
Custom Engagement Types
Engagement Points vs Engagement Count
Why Develop an Engagement Points Strategy?
Worksheet: Engagement Points Strategy
References: Engagement Points Strategies Examples
Step 1: Write a List of “Asks” your Organization Makes of your Contact Base
Step 2: Determine a Point Value for each “Ask” (Engagement Type) in the List
Step 3: Identify How you will Track the Contact’s Engagement Actions
Step 4: Use your Answers to Set up Engagement Points
Confirm or Request EA to turn on Online Action Form Engagement Point Types
Set up Engagement Types with Activist Codes
Workaround: Use Activist Codes to Apply Engagement Points to Specific Online Action Forms Only
Set up Engagement Types with Event Roles
Assign Engagement Points to Donations
Assign Engagement Points for donations using Activist Codes and Automations
Set up Engagement Type for Donations with Activist Codes and Bulk Apply
View Engagement Points on an Individual Contact Record
Use Create a List to Search by Engagement
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Feminist Women's Health Care
Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association
National Domestic Workers Alliance
Showing Up for Racial Justice