Data Hygiene
Refresh your database periodically.
Click-Through Guides
Fixing Names in Bulk for Mailers
Suppress a Contact Record (En/Es)
Retroactively apply Origin Source Codes to contacts without them, through Bulk Apply Wizard or Internal Bulk Apply
Delete a Saved Search/List
Use the Email Address Status Report to Assess Subscriptions
Introduction: Deleting Unreachable Contacts
Determine Your Org's Criteria for "Unreachable" Contacts
Creating a Saved Search: Tips and Pitfalls
Check your List
Bulk Delete
In Progress
(and more!) by subscribing to one of the following bundles.
Asian American Advocacy Fund
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Feminist Women's Healthcare Center
Florida Wildlife Federation
Grassroots International
National Domestic Workers Alliance
Showing Up for Racial Justice